5 fun facts about Roatan coral reefs

roatan coral reef

Coral reefs are some of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet. Contrary to what many people assume, coral isn’t plants – they’re animals. A coral reef is composed of thousands of soft-bodied animals called coral polyps that collect layers of calcium carbonate over time.

These environments attract a multitude of other plants and animals, including a vast variety of brightly colored tropical fish. Not only are these structures incredibly beautiful, but they are also crucial to the survival of life on Earth. In this article, you can discover five more fun facts about coral reefs and view some photos of our snorkeling & diving adventures around Roatan island.

1. Coral reefs protect wildlife

‘Barrier’ reefs get their name because they protect shallow warm waters from the open sea. This protection creates an important habitat for many types of tropical fish and rare plants.

2. There are three different types of coral reef

Coral reefs can be divided into three types: fringing reefs, barrier reefs, and atolls. Fringing reefs are close to shore, whereas a barrier reef will lie further out to sea. Often, atolls will be mistaken for islands because they are so large and generally appear on the rim of a lagoon.

3. Coral needs sunlight to grow

Coral needs sunlight to grow, which is why they thrive in shallow water. As a result, you’re unlikely to find a coral reef deeper than 45 feet. Furthermore, they also tend to prefer tropical seas, as the seawater is warmer and clearer.

4. They also clean the water

Coral reefs also promote better water quality. The plants, animals, and organisms act as a filter, trapping debris that makes the surrounding environment cleaner. Subsequently, coral reefs tend to grow larger in areas with stronger currents as the wave patterns deliver more nourishment to the ecosystem.

5. Coral reefs can treat cancer

Scientists have discovered that organisms within coral reefs can be used to treat cancer and other illnesses. For example, by studying coral reefs, scientists have been able to develop proteins that attack cancer cells.

Roatan Coral Reef

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